Monday, September 22, 2014

Upward and Onward

DoNow: Create a list of the biggest physics challenges for you and your peers. What is your plan for overcoming your top challenge? How does your current grade reflect your understanding of topics presented?

AIM: I will be able to describe the direction or sign of the vectors, (d, v and a) used to predict motion in as many different situations as possible.

- Submit Test Reflection
- Tableshare Hokey Pokey HW
- Tableshare & Stamp Rubberband Cart Problem Statement & Design Goals
- Whiteboard Comparison of Motion
- Rapid Ascension HW

Complete Doing the Hokey Pokey HW to submit Tuesday; Rapid Ascension HW to share Tuesday; Prototype Sketch Development to share Blockday .

Textbook Review: Chapters 3 - 4, Currently on 3.1 - 3.3 & 4.1 - 4.2

Coming Up:
2D Motion Kinematics
Prototype Sketch Development Sharing: Block, 24-25 Sep14
Consensus Statement Due: Monday, 29Sep14


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